We are proud to be a Quality Tourism accredited business and recipient of the 2021 and 2022 Gold Victorian Tourism Awards in the Adventure Category. We are accredited by the Australian Tourism Industry Council in the fields of Quality Tourism, Sustainable Tourism, and Camp & Adventure. We are a Licenced Tour Operator with Parks Victoria.
Grampians Peaks Trail
Victoria's newest iconic walk, the Grampians Peaks Trail, once completed will be a 160km, 13-day traverse of the entire mountain range from Mount Zero in the north all the way to Dunkeld in the south. From transport and support services to luxurious pack-free guided walks, we've got you covered
Alpine Adventures
Delicate. Harsh. Unpredictable. Absolutely Stunning. Victoria's alpine environment is as complex as it is alluring and we'll take you there any time of year. From Mount Bogong to Mount Feathertop - and everything in between - explore our range of alpine adventures below.
There is something for everyone from the first time snow hiker to the seasoned expeditioner!
Specific Accessibility Needs
Some parts of the Grampians are not suitable for wheelchair
access. There are a number of day walk activities that can be
accessed through use of the TrailRider all-terrain wheelchair
and volunteers. Parks Victoria has two TrailRiders available for
visitors to the Grampians and both of these chairs are fitted with
electric motors to assist operators on steeper sections of track.
Passengers must wear a helmet.
The TrailRider all-terrain wheelchair and Volunteer service is
free of charge, however, please book a week in advance. To book the TrailRider please contact the
Parks Victoria Volunteer Coordinator on (03) 8427 3541 or volunteer@parks.vic.gov.au
Vision and other needs:
Assistance dogs are welcome in Parks Victoria parks and reserves. Entry requirements apply for parks and reserves that are usually dog prohibited, such as the Grampians (Gariwerd) National Park.
For any other access needs, feel free to call and speak to our team about what you need for us to help you explore and connect with the Grampians (Gariwerd) National Park.