Program Style - HOW?
In order to maximise opportunities for learning, we need to balance which style of program is best suited to the age and experience of your group and what is the best format to deliver your desired outcomes. After that, we can build the content of that program with a range of adventure activities, facilitated sessions and other blocks to deliver a program that's perfect for your group.
The sounds of the dawn chorus (birds and students) make their way through the walls of your tent; excited young people retelling stories of the night spent under canvas away from all the security of home, this is the start of a day of some big learning experiences.
Many things that are usually taken for granted now need attention and thought; how to find shelter, how to dress for the weather, how to prepare food with attention to detail, how to work with others to share a small, finite space; these and other necessities are part of an educational experience that starts when they wake up and finishes when they fall asleep.
It can be more difficult to live like this but many good, rewarding experiences often are. We value more highly the achievements that we worked hard for. We devalue those things that come without effort. We learn quickly when there is a personal cost for our lack of attention or skill. Forgetting to close the tent door properly can have serious consequences (rain, dirt, mosquitos, etc.) but the experience does teach us to pay attention to what is going on or might take place in the future.
Once the morning preparations are done the group breaks up into small teams to undertake the day's challenges; hiking up into the hills to a grand view off a peak, abseiling, mountain bike riding bush tracks, canoeing or mind-bending lateral thinking and physical challenges in the bush before the return to camp. Again camp is full of excited voices telling of challenge and reward, each of them reflecting something learnt. Tonight the stories around the campfire and in the tents are different after the day’s adventures and you hear a growing confidence before tomorrow’s round of challenges.
Accommodation options​
National parks campsites - basic facilities
Caravan park camping - showers/toilets/BBQs
Catering and Equipment
Generally, base camping programs are self-catered although we are able to assist with ideas and planning for you. We have a range of camping equipment available for hire including tents and hiking stoves and can cater for small or large groups
Activity and program options
Rock climbing
Stand up Paddleboarding
Mountain Biking
Guided and self-guided hiking
Initiative and lateral thinking activities
Plus many more!
Example programs
The buzz of everyone sharing a meal inside the dining room marks the end of another exciting and challenging day on camp for your school group. All the effort in planning and paperwork seems insignificant now; the group is here and the hall is full of young people and staff discussing the day’s events, comparing adventures or talking about something back in their normal lives; “I can’t wait to…” comments abound and tell of a new appreciation for things normally taken for granted.
The level of excitement is palpable, the web of relationships changes as you watch, quiet kids suddenly reveal hidden talents, some alphas seem less influential than back at school and there is a lot to remember about this week to take back to school.
Hardtop camping provides a secure, manageable space from which to venture out into a wild, natural area such as the Grampians, learn a bunch of lessons in and then return to consolidate your gains. For many decades hundreds of thousands of students have come to the Grampians to stay in hardtop camps at night and explore the valleys and peaks by day.
Against the solid reliability of the accommodation and catering, the programs of hiking, adventure and exploration can be designed to suit your cohort, its age, background and capabilities as well as your school’s pedagogical and curriculum goals.
The mountains themselves also work for you, changing subtly the way young people think about themselves, each other and the environment. It may not always form as a conscious thought but it will be there. Rare indeed is the young person who knows nothing more after a week in the Grampians than when they arrived.
Comfortable bunk rooms
All rooms with ensuite
Separate staff accommodation
Fantastic grounds with incredible views
On-site native wildlife
Fully catered programs
High quality, nutritional food
Catering for all dietary requirements
Activity and program options
Rock climbing
Stand up Paddleboarding
Mountain Biking
Guided and self-guided hiking
High and low ropes course
Initiative and lateral thinking activites
Adventure Minigolf
Example programs
Of all the experiences available to us as outdoor educators, it seems that this is the most magical, the one most likely to leave participants with deep and lasting memories.
Years, decades, or even lifetimes later these journeys will feature in our memories of our foundational and formative experiences. The lessons we learned about ourselves, our comrades and the landscape in which we found ourselves are etched deeply into our psyche. In times of both stress and of quiet contemplation we find ourselves reaching back to these journeys for reassurance.
They can act as a touchstone, something almost physical that connects us to our and others’ capacity for understanding, courage, compassion, laughter and hope. They certainly connect us for a time to a part of the natural world in a way that few other experiences can.
The Grampians offer a wide range of outdoor adventurous activities and journeys. There are opportunities here for participants to hike, abseil, rock climb, mountain bike and canoe their way across the landscape.
Connecting these separate activities into a single, progressive journey multiplies the outcomes rather than just adding them. Each activity lends something to the ones that follow. By the end we are changed, sometimes subtly, sometimes consciously. By undertaking a range of challenges in a landscape in which we have had a little experience we learn we can face other unfamiliar challenges by applying ourselves physically, mentally and socially. This is personal development at a powerful level and can provide significant leverage to the academic and pedagogical efforts of your school.
Groups will camp in a range of campsites across the national park with a varying range of facilities. Each morning they will pack camp, load it into their packs and carry it to the next site via a new activity.
Catering for a journey program can be very involved. One great solution is for students to self cater in pairs or small groups. This provides another opportunity for students to learn and take responsibility. Absolute Outdoors can organise catering for your staff, or if required your whole group.
We also have a full range of equipment available to hire from Tents and stoves to backpacks and rain gear and even satellite phones for emergency communications.
Activity and program options
Multi-day hiking journeys can be built around involving any of the below activities:
Rock climbing
Stand up Paddleboarding
Mountain Biking
Example programs
Leadership Expeditions
Imagine assembling a group of young people, assisting them in preparing and planning for the expedition of a lifetime, observing them learn new skills, gain independence and grow into your adults. Our extended Leadership Expeditions are the ultimate way for young people to set a challenge, rise to it and become more connected with themselves, each other and the world through which they travel.
We will work with you and your students to design the perfect expedition, giving them ownership over their own journey. They may choose to complete a giant loop or a point to point expedition, either way, there will be incredible opportunities to explore, connect and learn along the way.
Expeditioners may be responsible for independently making their own way to a designated start point, before taking on their expedition ranging from 7 days to 3 weeks. During their journey they may hike, bike, climb, paddle and explore.
On top of adventurous activities, Leadership Expeditions can take part in any number of our environmental or community service programs. Not only will expeditioners explore and experience the landscape but they will learn to give back and support it and its community.
Leadership expeditions usually follow a basic format. After travelling to the start point, expeditioners take on a multi-activity journey periodically stopping for a few days at a time to undertake projects and experiences before culminating with a final journey.
Accommodation on an expedition would mainly be hiker camps, carried by the groups from camp to camp. Some programs will build in a few days staying in the same camps for rest, others may seek to rest in places like Halls Gap or other backpacker style accommodation. The only limitation to Leadership Expeditions is imagination - and of course budget!
Activity options
Rock climbing
Stand up Paddleboarding
Mountain Biking
Project options
Environmental projects
Tree planting
weed removal
Social Projects
Community outreach
Work with a local disability or disadvantaged service provider
National Park infrastructure